Buttles, Jeanette
Biographical Text
Jeanette Buttles was born to Emma's brother Albert and grew up in Ohio. She travelled Egypt with Emma and Theodore for a number of years. Jeanette wrote a book detailing the lives of powerful women pharaohs after spending time in Egypt among scholars and archeologists. After traveling along the Nile, she spent the rest of her life in Italy with her sister Mary. The two women were "The Silver Medal of Merit" in Italy in 1929 for their charity work in Public Health.
aka Janet Buttles, Nettie Buttles, Janet Ridgeway Buttles, Jeannette Buttles
aka Janet Buttles, Nettie Buttles, Janet Ridgeway Buttles, Jeannette Buttles
Birth Date
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Death Date
Buttles, Janet R., "The Queens of Egypt," London: A. Constable & Co, 1908.
"US Girls Honored; Janet and Mary Buttles" ancestry.com, accessed January 20th 2015,http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/3367914/person/-1743507928/media/3?pgnum=1&pg=0&pgpl=pid%7cpgNum
"Jeanette Ridgeway Buttles" ancestry.com, accessed April 24th 2015, http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/3367914/person/-1743507929
"US Girls Honored; Janet and Mary Buttles" ancestry.com, accessed January 20th 2015,http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/3367914/person/-1743507928/media/3?pgnum=1&pg=0&pgpl=pid%7cpgNum
"Jeanette Ridgeway Buttles" ancestry.com, accessed April 24th 2015, http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/3367914/person/-1743507929
Notable Family Members
Emma B. Andrews, aunt
Mary Neil Buttles, sister
Albert Barnes Buttles, father
Mary Ridgway, mother
Mary Neil Buttles, sister
Albert Barnes Buttles, father
Mary Ridgway, mother
TEI tag
Abbreviated Biography
One of Emma's nieces who joined them on a number of Nile seasons, Jeanette Buttles was the author of 'the Queens of Egypt'. She lived in Florence.
“Buttles, Jeanette,” The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project, accessed March 14, 2025, http://emmabandrews.org/project/items/show/91.