"Biography of Bernard Pyne Grenfell," Grenfell Family History, accessed May 8th 2015,
Andrews, Emma B.Journal on the Bedawin, Volume 12 : 1904-1905.
Andrews, Emma B.Journal on the Bedawin, Volume 11 : 1903-1904.
Andrews, Emma B.Journal on the Bedawin, Volume 14 : 1906-1907.
Biographical Text
Born into a family of academics, Bernard Grenfell followed in the footsteps of his parents and studied antiquities. He traveled to Egypt in 1895 under the Egyptian Exploration Fund and excavated areas with fellow scholar Arthur Hunt. During these excavations the men discovered the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, and other important documents. He was appointed Professor of Papyrology at Oxford upon his return, but suffered from a series of mental breakdowns that ultimately led to his commitment to a sanitarium until his death.
Birth Date
December 16th 1869
Birmingham, England
Death Date
May 18th 1926
Scientist, Egyptologist, Professor
Grenfell, Bernard P. and Arthur S. Hunt (1898). Oxyrhynchus Papyri. London: Egypt Exploration Fund.
Notable Family Members
Father: John Granville Grenfell, scholar and assistant and the British Museum. Mother: Alice Pyne Grenfell, scholar.
TEI tag
“Grenfell, Bernard Pyne,” The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project, accessed March 13, 2025,