The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project

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Hotel Bristol. London.
May 17th.
We came over very comfortably from Paris on Sunday - in spite of the rain. Fortunately it held up as we were getting on and off the boat, or it would have gone hard with me, as there is no protection whatever in the way of a roof. I had a nice little cabin, and laid down and slept most of the way - and the sea was smooth. Found our old quarters at this most comfortable of all hotels - and the weather has been good. Shopped a little and drove in the Park yesterday and today. This afternoon went with Theodore around to the Burlington Arts Club to see the collection of Milanese paintings - quite charming and interesting. Found the photograph of our Leonardo there opposite the Mona Lisa. We have had visits from the Farrars, Denbighs, Mr. Rathbone and Fielding - all the rest off to the theatre, as they were last night. I do not risk the exposure. Mr. Emmons here today - they sail tomorrow on the Teutonic.

Sunday, May 22.
The week has been rather quiet. I have had not dining out, no theatres or operas - as I do not go out in the evening. Theodore has been busy doing all of these things - and I scarcely see him, except at breakfast. The weather has been bad - today it is mending. I have had almost a daily drive in the Park - and yesterday I lunched with Lady Denbigh - and met some pleasant people. Tonight Theodore dines with Lord Denbigh - a man’s dinner for Lady D. has gone down to Nuneham to her family of 8 children. Fielding came early yesterday, and he and Theodore knocked about to galleries and shops in the morning, and he came to lunch and went with us afterward to the Military Tournament; came back to tea - and went home and dressed, came back and ined, and he and Theodore had an old fashioned game of chess. I have just got home from a solitary drive in the Part - having first gone to tea with Miss Farrer. The Park lovely, backward as is the season, the trees are well out now, and the thorns beginning to show their flowers. Dr. Bridgman called after lunch and made me a visit - telling me all about our war! how the Spaniards had a disciplined navy, and we had not - how much cleverer and quicker they were than we - what an unrighteous war it was - but that in the end we must win, for they (England) intended standing by us!

Tuesday, May 24.
Our last evening in London - and these two last days have been very busy - between friends and affairs. The weather still uncertain - we made the acquaintance of Mr. Sydney Colvin this afternoon. He came to see the Leonardo - and I talked a little with him about Stevenson. He looks rather a hard, dry fellow. Mr. Rathbone and Farrar here too. Last agonies of packing going on in all our rooms.

Tuesday, June 1st.
Holland House.
Just one week ago tonight I made the last entry - and it is hard to realize - and now we are here again, after a very comfortable and monotonous voyage. The Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse is the finest ship I have ever sailed on. Such comfort, luxury, cleanliness - good service, and the best and most profuse table I ever saw. Mr. Rathbone and Fielding were at the station to say goodbye, the morning we left London. A quick and pleasant ride to Southhampton, and as we ran along the big dock, with the Kaiser lying close to it, she looked enormous from the train. On three consecutive days we made 560 miles - and the voyage would have made a record, had we not 2 days before reaching New York, broke one or the blades of one of the screws. However, we were in our slip by 10:30 this morning.


Emma's diary entries which detail the end of their voyage and stop in London, where they continue to show off their 'Leonardo.'


Claire Summa


Andrews, Emma B.Journal on the Bedawin, Volume 5 : 1898 - 1899.

Original Format




Claire Summa, “Emma's diary: Glory Under Question (May 17 - June 1, 1898),” The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project, accessed February 25, 2025,

