Penannular, of torus form and elliptical section, the axes being 16 and 10 millimetres. The extreme
diameter is 0 m .025, and the space left for the ear is only 6 millimetres. At the side opposite the opening, a rectangle, 0 m .022 by 0 m '.011 encloses the name of Queen ( cartouche ),
surmounted by two feathers, outlined in fine gold cloisons, standing out on the hollow base, which was filled in with plaques of hard stone or glazed pottery, fixed with blue mastic.
Coloured Plate—Rings and Ornaments.
diameter is 0 m .025, and the space left for the ear is only 6 millimetres. At the side opposite the opening, a rectangle, 0 m .022 by 0 m '.011 encloses the name of Queen ( cartouche ),
surmounted by two feathers, outlined in fine gold cloisons, standing out on the hollow base, which was filled in with plaques of hard stone or glazed pottery, fixed with blue mastic.
Coloured Plate—Rings and Ornaments.
G. Daressy
Theodore M. Davis, The Tomb of Siphtah
Original Format
G. Daressy, “KV 56 Ear-ring, in Gold and Enamel,” The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project, accessed March 13, 2025,