The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project

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Davis, Theodore M., Gaston Maspero, Edward Ayrton, Georges Daressy and E.H. Jones.  The Tomb of Siphtah (=Theodore M. Davis' Excavations, Biban el Moluk, 4).  London, 1908.  Pp. 18-19.

Helck, Wolfgang.  Königsgräbertal.  LÄ  (1980), 3: 522.

Reeves, Carl Nicholas.  Excavations in the Valley of the Kings, 1905/6: A Photographic Record. MDAIK 40 (1984): 225-235.

Reeves, Carl Nicholas.  Valley of the Kings: The Decline of a Royal Necropolis (= Studies in Egyptology).  London:  KPI, 1990. Pp. 170-171.

Thomas, Elizabeth.  The Royal Necropoleis of Thebes.  Princeton: privately printed, 1966.  P. 158.

Weeks, Kent R. (ed.).  Atlas of the Valley of the Kings (= PTMP, 1).  Cairo: American University in Cairo
Press, 2000.  Map sheet 63.

Wilkinson, Richard H. and Carl Nicholas Reeves.  The Complete Valley of the Kings.  London:  Thames and Hudson, 1996.  P. 186.